Thursday, February 23, 2012

thequestionclub: How Long Is Too Long To Wait?

i'd wait until i was willing to put my big girl pants on and talk about it.

if that happened, and i wanted to get married, i'd bring up the conversation. i don't expect someone to propose to me without having any idea at all if i'd be interested in a marriage first.

"marriage" as an abstract isn't important to me at all. i don't have any need or desire to be married for the sake of dwelling within that institution. i'd like the LEGAL FUCKING RIGHT to be married, for sure, but it's not terribly important to me. i would certainly, however, consent to marrying a particular person. and if they weren't willing to marry me? then i'd be obliged to date them for the rest of my natural life instead. i don't need the validation of a marriage, i see it instead as a protection.

if you yourself value marriage, and you are wondering if your current partner will ask or not, perhaps you should broach the subject. ask them if they want to get married (make it clear that this isn't the proposal), even.

i think the wedding band is useful as a means of communicating when someone is off the market. the wedding band has stopped me from making moves before. i'd be slightly annoyed if someone didn't wear it.


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