Monday, January 23, 2012

Government by Gobbledygook

Consider, for example, the relevant federal rules about renovating an old building suspected of containing lead paint. I hesitate to even quote examples of confusing regulatory language lest my column itself become unreadable, but surely the U.S. government can do better than: ?On or after July 6, 2010, all renovations must be performed in accordance with the work practice standards in ?745.85 and the associated recordkeeping requirements in ?745.86(b)(1) and (b)(6) in target housing or child-occupied facilities, unless the renovation qualifies for the exception identified in ?745.82(a).? You?ll be glad to know, however, that ?745.82(a) does, among other things, offer an exemption for ?emergency renovations? (which has a word salad definition of its own)?with the sub-exception that ?emergency renovations are not exempt from the cleaning requirements of ?745.85(a)(5), which must be performed by certified renovators or individuals trained in accordance with ?745.90(b)(2), the cleaning verification requirements of ?745.85(b), which must be performed by certified renovators, and the recordkeeping requirements of ?745.86(b)(6) and (b)(7).? Got it? Me neither.


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